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Join us for a Special Candle Lighting for World Peace Ceremony to Celebrate Visakha Day!


May 6, 2020


Visakha Puja (Vesak) Day is the most important holiday in Buddhism. It is the day that Buddhists of all traditions assemble to commemorate the life of the historic Buddha. This is because Visakha day marks the anniversary of three major events in the Buddha’s life. Visakha Day is the day of the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment, and passing into Nibbana, all of which occurred on the full moon day of the sixth lunar month.


Join us in meditation and a special candle lighting ceremony on this auspicious day! 


Let's find and bring peace with hundreds of lanterns and candles! Everyone is invited to join us for all the following activities: 


  • Alms-Giving - to practice generosity

  • Meditation - to practice loving-kindness 

  • Lighting Candles - to signify peace in oneself and share it with people around the world 






6:30 PM     Registration
7:00 PM     Welcome Speech by Presiding Monk
                    Speech by Honored Guest

7:15 PM     Offering of Necessities to Sangha
                    Blessing and Chanting by Sangha

7:40 PM     Meditation
8:00 PM     Candlelight Circumumbulation
                    Lighting of Ceremonial Lanterns
                    Candle Lighting Vigil for World Peace

8:30 PM     End of Ceremony / Commemorative Gifts




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